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1 Euronews

Euronews shows news stories from a European perspective. Constantly updated reports from the world of politics, sport, business and weather are interspersed with magazine reports. Live links to focal points around the world ensure maximum relevance. Whenever a major news story becomes known, the programme is interrupted by a live report.

24 hours daily Worldwide audience News 1 Italian, Russian
2 Fix&Foxi TV

The channel with the popular foxes as presenters offers an ideal assortment of entertainment and educational content with its 24 hour 16:9 programme as well as monthly highlight shows.

24 hours daily German-speaking children and families Kids channel 1 German
4 Nautical Channel

Nautical Channel is a 24/7 TV channel dedicated to nautical programming, providing viewers with a fresh perspective on sailing, powerboating, surfing sports and plenty of lifestyle through travels and adventures. It shows the latest news from the nautical industry, the biggest sports events worldwide to technological releases.

24 hours daily Anyone interested in the water sports and lifestyle Sport 1 English, French
5 RTP Internacional

RTP (Rádio e Televisão de Portugal) is the largest Portuguese broadcasting organisation. The official international TV channel, RTP Internacional, is a general entertainment channel and provides not only various factual, entertainment, cultural and music shows, but also programmes for children and young people.

24 hours daily Portuguese expatriates General entertainment channel 1 Portuguese
6 SIC Internacional

The TV channel SIC Internacional offers popular soap operas from Portugal including co-productions with Globo from Brazil and international Emmy Award winners for the most popular telenovela. In addition, 34 live football matches of the top three teams from the Portuguese First League (Benfica, Porto and Sporting), live sports programmes (magazines and debates) focusing on the First League, daily news programmes broadcasted from Lisbon and well-known Portuguese documentaries, talk shows and lifestyle programmes from the SIC channels complete the programme.

24 hours daily Portuguese-speaking communities living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Portuguese
7 TVI Internacional

TVI Internacional, the international version of the Portuguese market leader, TVI, was formed in 1993 and is aimed at the international Portuguese community. The programme line-up consists of the best shows from TVI and TVI 24 and further selfproduced shows.

24 hours daily Portuguese expatriates General entertainment channel 1 Portuguese
8 RDP Internacional

RDP Internacional, the international version of the Portuguese broadcasting service, is the ‘worldwide link for Portuguese people’ and reports on music, art, culture and up-to-date news from their home country.

24 hours daily Portuguese expatriate families General entertainment channel 1 Portuguese
11 Radio Exterior de Espana

The radio station, Radio Exterior de Espana, is geared towards the international Spanish-speaking community and Spanish enthusiasts. It broadcasts current news stories, sport, science, European affairs, cultural and social programmes, along with Spanish music.

24 hours daily International Spanish-speaking community General entertainment channel 1 Spanish
12 TVE

TVE was the first worldwide TV channel broadcasting in Spanish. The internationally awarded varied high quality programme is geared towards the whole family and consists of entertainment shows, news, culture and educational programmes.

24 hours daily International Spanish-speaking community General entertainment channel 1 Spanish
16 De Película

The channel’s name says it all: ‘De Película’ means ‘film’ and the channel shows the most representative feature films of the Mexican cinema from its beginning to the present day. Its programming grid has been designed to attract all family members and covers different genres, from dramas, comedies, ‘rancheras’, picaresque through to action, horror and children’s films. A delight for a discerning audience.

24 hours daily Film fans who are interested in Mexican, Argentine and Spanish films Movies 1 Spanish
17 Las Estrellas

One of the leading Latin American entertainment programmes, Las Estrellas, provides a wide range of top rated programmes for the whole family: telenovelas, talk-shows, sports and news broadcast, comedies, Mexican feature films and documentaries. Beyond that, it shows bull fights from the ‘Monumental Plaza’ in Mexico City.

24 hours daily Expatriated Latin American families General entertainment channel 1 Spanish
18 24H

24H is the news channel of the Spanish public broadcasting organization, TVE, and the worldwide reference TV channel for information in Spanish, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The channel resembles a key point of reference throughout the world for news reported in Spanish. More than 70 percent of its content covers international news.

24 hours daily International Spanish-speaking community News 1 Spanish
19 FashionTV

FashionTV is focused exclusively on fashion, beauty, trends, celebrities and style. The TV channel was founded in France in 1997 by Michel Adam and provides glamorous entertainment with emphasis on the latest fashion trends.

24 hours daily Audiences of all ages with an interest in fashion Entertainment 1 English
21 Blue Hustler

Thrilling, provocative and erotic - Blue Hustler provides weekly TV premieres from exclusive studios and Larry Flynt’s world famous brand HUSTLER. Blue Hustler is the most distributed erotic channel in Europe and guarantees a special kind of viewing pleasure from 21.00 to 05.00hrs on a daily basis.

21:00 – 05:00hrs Men Erotic 1 English
22 Stingray CMusic

The TV channel Stingray CMusic is original, exciting and aimed at all music fans. It presents the world’s leading classical artists like they have never been presented before, as well as stunning cinematic footage set to epic music.

24 hours daily Viewers who are interested in classical music and movie soundtracks Music 1 English
23 Club MTV

Club MTV is the party channel: the most popular dance classics and the latest tracks from the world’s hippest clubs. There is a complete line-up, whether its the dance floor top 20, the best urban bangers or upcoming party tunes. No advertising breaks - non-stop music.

24 hours daily Viewers who are interested in dance music Music English
25 MTV Hits

The channel features chart-topping hits. Who had the biggest hits in the last year? Which hits were at the top of the charts? Which songs could become major hits? MTV Hits provides the answers.

24 hours daily Young audiences with an interest in chart music Music English
26 Playboy TV

Playboy TV is the Home of Erotic Entertainment – a TV channel that aims to entertain, educate and satisfy men, women and couples via its unique programme mixture. Comedy, adventure, reality and playmate videos combine to create a fun and sexy entertainment experience for all.

Daily from 21.00hrs to 05.00hrs Men, women and couples Erotic 1 English
27 TVC News

TVC News is a Pan-African news channel based in Lagos, Nigeria. The programme line-up consists of an assortment of news, background reports from current events and reportages from all over Africa, as well as taking a look at the world from an African perspective.

24 hours daily Viewers who are interested in Africa News English
29 Al Jazeera English

The independent TV channel, Al Jazeera English, delivers round-the-clock international news that places people at the heart of the story, rooted in the belief that everyone has a story worth hearing. It aims to report stories about people everywhere, without geographical or cultural prejudice. With headquarters in the Middle East and correspondents in more than 70 bureaus around the world, it offers a fresh perspective on global news.

24 hours daily European viewers who are interested in news stories from around the world News 1 English
34 God TV Europe

God TV is an international Christian TV station which is financed through its viewers’ donations. In addition, the aid projects that are supported by the channel receive financing through two annual Mission Weeks, that focus on increased fundraising for the work carried out by the channel.

24 hours daily Christian oriented viewers Religion English
36 Al Jazeera Balkans

Al Jazeera Balkans is the first European branch of the media network. It broadcasts from Sarajevo and considers itself to be the main regional news provider for an area covering over 35 million people in the states of the former Yugoslavia. It broadcasts in Croatian, Serbian, Montenegrin and Bosnian as well as approx. 3 hours in English with Bosnian subtitles from the Al Jazeera headquarters.

24 hours daily Viewers with interest in news and current affairs from the Balkan region News 1 Bosnian, Croatian, English, Serbian
37 Haber Türk TV

The private Turkish TV station, Haber Türk TV, was launched in March 1999. It broadcasts a news programme with up-to-date daily and evening coverage, information about the economy, weather, sport, health and documentaries.

24 hours daily Turkish expatriate families News 1 Turkish
38 beIN IZ

beIN IZ is a Turkish documentary channel with reports and reportage on a wide range of topics: Travel, culture and nature, history and health. Furthermore, it provides a broadcasting platform, upon which both independent producers and students can present their experimental pieces of work. In this way, beIN IZ gets its viewers directly involved in the making of its programmes.

24 hours daily Turkish viewers who are interested in documentaries Documentary 1 Turkish
39 Kanal 7 Avrupa

The Turkish TV station, Kanal 7 Avrupa, broadcasts a full range of programmes for the whole family. It shows the latest news from the political, sports and business arenas. At the same time, the station gives an insight into Turkish art and culture.

24 hours daily Turkish expatriate families General entertainment channel 1 Turkish
40 Kanal Avrupa

The programme delivered by the Turkish TV station, Kanal Avrupa, is aimed mainly at Turkish inhabitants in Germany. It shows Turkish music videos, news, talk shows, sports broadcasts, cartoons, live shows and documentaries. Numerous programmes are used to depict the lives of Turkish expats.

24 hours daily 17-49 year old European Turks General entertainment channel Turkish
44 Metropol FM

The first German-Turkish radio station in Germany, METROPOL FM, went on air in June 1999 and, with 91.5% of listeners in Berlin alone being aware of its existence, it is one of the most listened to radio channels amongst the Turkish-German community. It provides 24 hour non-stop coverage for Turkish-Germans. The channel offers local, national and international news, entertainment, Turkish pop and Arabesque music.

24 hours daily German Turks, focussing on: 18-49 year olds General entertainment channel 1 Turkish
46 ATV Avrupa

ATV Avrupa provides a varied mixture of factual and entertainment programmes, talk shows, reports from Turkey and Germany, sport, national and international news as well as popular films and series, allowing Turkish people to have a small part of their Turkish homeland into their living rooms.

24 hours daily Turkish families General entertainment channel Turkish
47 Euro D

Euro D is one of the most watched Turkish TV stations. This channel provides round-the-clock entertainment and has geared its service specifically towards the needs and interests of Turkish people living right across Europe. Dynamic formatting represented by blockbusters, series, talk shows, news, magazine shows and sport form the mainstay of the programmes on offer.

24 hours daily Turkish expatriates General entertainment channel 1 Turkish
48 beIN Movies Turk HD

beIN Movies Turk HD shows the latest Turkish blockbusters and the unforgettable classics from Turkish movie history. beIN Movies Turk is a premium channel for cinema lovers, providing access to Turkish films which never make it to cinemas in Germany.

24 hours daily Turkish cinema fans Movies 1 Turkish
54 Show Turk

The Turkish TV station, Show Turk, is primarily an entertainment channel. The private, general entertainment channel offers round-the clock movies dedicated for the whole family, Turkish and foreign TV series, entertainment shows featuring popular stars, sport, music, magazine shows, children’s TV and various news programmes.

24 hours daily Turkish expatriate families General entertainment channel 1 Turkish
62 beIN Gurme

Everything on the Turkish TV channel, beIN Gurme, revolves around cooking. The channel offers its viewers cooking shows, recipes, cooking tips, nutrition and information on foreign cuisine. The channel is also available as HD version.

24 hours daily Turkish viewers who like cooking Cooking 1 Turkish
63 TV8 Int

In 2014 the Turkish channel, TV8 Int, was taken over by the leading Turkish production group for show formats. Since then, TV8 has collected exclusive, top-rated shows from other channels. Within a few months, the channel became one of the top 5 Turkish channels and has been the only channel to really focus on show formats.

24 hours daily Turkish expatriate families Entertainment 1 Turkish
64 Mediaset Italia

Mediaset Italia shows content from the popular Italian TV stations, Canale 5, Italia 1 and Rete 4. The TV channel is geared towards the roughly 60 million Italians worldwide, and those who love Italy and its culture and beauty. The channel provides major primetime shows and the best entertainment, fun, news and informative material from the three main stations.

24 hours daily Italian expatriates General entertainment channel 1 Italian
66 RAI 1

The public-service, general entertainment channel, RAI 1, is Italy’s most watched TV channel and provides entertainment shows, quiz shows, Italian movies and sports transmissions. The channel is available as SD and HD version. Due to licensing regulations, its broadcasts are partially scrambled in Germany. Please see an overview of affected TV programmes by clicking on the link below (Page 517).

24 hours daily Italian expatriate families General entertainment channel 1 Italian
67 RAI 2

The public-service TV channel RAI 2 provides factual and entertainment shows, sport, documentaries, magazine shows and reports on travel and events. Due to licensing regulations, its broadcasts are partially scrambled in Germany. Please see an overview of affected TV programmes by clicking on the link below (Page 517).

24 hours daily Italian expatriates General entertainment channel 1 Italian
68 RAI 3

The Italian public-service TV channel, Rai Tre, provides discerning coverage of art, nature, economics and history, regional and national news, as well as multi-faceted entertainment from soap operas and satires through to live concert recordings. Due to licensing regulations, its broadcasts are partially scrambled in Germany. Please see an overview of affected TV programmes by clicking on the link below (Page 517).

24 hours daily Italian expatriate families Culture 1 Italian
69 Rainews24

Rainews24 is the first Italian news channel which broadcasts round-the-clock - partly even live - news and information from all around the world and thereby contains national and international news stories, economics, science and technology and cultural and event shows together with sport. Viewers can apply a split-screen format so that they don’t miss a single piece of information.

24 hours daily Italian-speaking viewers who are interested in news stories News 1 Italian
70 RAI Radio 1

RAI Radio Uno is an Italian radio station, which is operated by the Italian public-service broadcasting corporation RAI. Its programme consists of news, sport, talk programmes and popular music.

24 hours daily Italian expatriate families General entertainment channel 1 Italian
158 Al Jazeera Satellite Channel

The programme line-up of the independent TV channel, Al Jazeera Satellite Channel, consists of news stories, reportages and factual programmes. With access to more than 70 bureaus internationally, the channel aims to represent the voice of people and seek out stories that often go unreported. It provides information to the world through objective reporting from the perspective of the Arab world.

24 hours daily Viewers from the Arab world who are interested in news stories News 1 Arabic
160 Al Arabiya

Al Arabiya is a top ranked 24/7 Pan-Arab news channel catering for the Arabic audience worldwide. Al Arabiya’s news programme includes politics, business, current affairs, financial updates and sports highlights.

24 hours daily Arabic viewers who are interested in news stories from the Arab world News 1 Arabic
163 France 24

The TV channel, France 24, is an international news channel that gives a different perspective to global affairs, in English, French and Arabic. In addition to comprehensive news bulletins every half hour, numerous magazine programmes and reports provide the keys to understanding the world.

24 hours daily Viewers who are interested in world news News 1 Arabic, English, French
166 MBC Europe

The Arabic entertainment channel, MBC Europe, shows news and stock market information, reality shows, sport, talk shows, music and children’s programmes. It was the first Arabic language entertainment channel to become available in Europe.

24 hours daily Arabic-speaking families in Europe General entertainment channel 1 Arabic
168 Ariana Afghanistan TV

The channel provides national and international news stories and entertainment shows which are aimed at Afghan expatriates. Broadcast from the USA.

24 hours daily Afghan expatriates General entertainment channel Afghan
170 Utsav Gold HD

The TV channel Utsav Gold HD is a premium Bollywood channel of the Star Network from The Walt Disney Company. It offers a huge library of exclusive movies from the latest blockbusters to iconic classics. Utsav Gold HD is subtitled in English and available in SD and HD.

24 hours daily Expatriate families from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh Movies 1 Hindi
172 Utsav Plus HD

The TV channel Utsav Plus HD is one of the most successful entertainment channels of the Star Network from The Walt Disney Company. Utsav Plus HD offers a variety of award-winning shows encompassing family dramas, reality, talent and game shows, comedy, crime and popular international formats adapted for the Hindi-speaking audience. The channel is subtitled in English and available in SD and HD.

24 hours daily Expatriate families from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh Entertainment 1 Hindi
182 OstWest

The Russian-speaking TV station, OstWest, is based in Berlin and shows global news stories especially from Germany, the EU and Russia, along with various consumer advice and educational programmes and talk shows. In addition, OstWest broadcasts entertainment programmes, documentaries, „Theater TV“, TOP blockbusters and TV series.

24 hours daily Russian-speaking viewers who are interested in news stories News 1 Russian
190 Balkanika Music Television

Balkanika Music Television is a music channel with unique concept, gathering the modern hits from all Balkan countries and the latest projects of the biggest stars on the Balkans. It covers more than 6 music genres. The TV channel broadcasts mainly in Bulgarian language but depending on the content, the programme is also provided in Romanian, Turkish, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Greek, Albanian, Macedonian, Slovenian and English language.

24 hours daily All listeners who are interested in music from the Balkan countries Music 1 Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
192 BN Music

The TV station BN Music started broadcasting on 2 October 2010. Its aim was and remains to show the connection between music and positive energy. It plays exclusively hip hop, pop and folk music which allows the listeners to join in. The station features major current names from the local music scene and traditional, well-known performers from the former Yugoslavia.

24 hours daily Listeners who are interested in music from the former Yugoslavia Music 1 Bosnian, Serbian
193 BN 2 HD

BN 2 HD is a private general entertainment channel from the Serbian part of Bosnia-Herzegovina with a focus on entertainment. It mainly broadcasts movies, series, documentaries and music shows from the former Yugoslavia, rounded off by news and politics. The TV channel is aimed at all ethnic groups from Bosnia-Herzegovina and ranks today as one of the most popular and well-known channels in the region.

24 hours daily Viewers from the former Yugoslavia General entertainment channel 1 Bosnian, Serbian
194 DM Sat

The Serbian TV channel, DM SAT, is an entertainment channel that uses its music programme to cater for a wide audience far beyond the Balkans. As well as music shows, it also offers lifestyle shows and other engaging series. The channel is co-owned by the female Balkans singer, Dragana Mirkovic.

24 hours daily 14-49 year old females who are interested in music from the Balkans region Music 1 Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
195 Hayat Folk Box

Hayat Folk Box is a Bosnian TV channel which specialises in Bosnian folk music. Along with music clips, the channel consists of live concert recordings, on the scene news reports and interviews with various artists. In addition, it shows popular (music) shows specially produced for Hayat Folk Box.

24 hours daily Viewers who are interested in Bosnian folk music Music 1 Bosnian
196 Hayat 2

The programmes offered by the private Bosnian-Herzegovinian TV station, Hayat 2, range from news broadcasts and documentaries to entertainment, music, sport, kids programmes, religious and cultural programmes.

24 hours daily Viewers from Bosnia and Herzegovina General entertainment channel 1 Bosnian
199 TV K3 Sat

TV K3 Sat (formerly Televizija Kanal 3) is a private TV station from the Bosnian Republika Srpska which was launched in 1994. The channel broadcasts many Spanish and Mexican telenovelas, Serbian (Yugoslavian or Serbian-Montenegrin) films and series as well as music videos from home-grown artists. In addition, the channel shows five daily hours worth of its own productions.

24 hours daily Former Yugoslavian viewers General entertainment channel 1 Serbian
200 Pink Extra

The TV channel, Pink Extra, shows a lively collection from the various Pink TV channels. After its daily prelude of breakfast television, it shows the most popular regional programmes. The TV channel was created especially for the ex-Yugoslav diaspora.

24 hours daily Serbian families living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Serbian
201 Pink Film

Pink Film broadcasts round-the-clock, domestic film productions and series including many classics from both genres. The Serbian TV channel’s viewers can enjoy comedies, dramas, action, thrillers and historical films from the former Yugoslavia’s most well-known directors.

24 hours daily Serbian film fans of all age groups Movies 1 Serbian
202 Pink Folk

The TV channel, Pink Folk, shows music videos and concerts from the most well-known folk artists from Serbia and other Balkan countries. This includes both renowned folk stars and promising young contemporary artists.

24 hours daily Music fans from the Balkans region Music 1 Serbian
203 Pink Kids

The Serbian TV channel, Pink Kids, is dedicated to children and teenagers. The channel broadcasts popular cartoons, children’s TV formats and original shows dedicated to the younger population.

24 hours daily Serbian children and young people Kids channel 1 Serbian
204 Pink Music

The Serbian TV station, Pink Music, is the first music channel launched by Pink. The channel mainly broadcasts pop music videos of artists from the Balkans region as well as exclusive premieres of City Record artists.

24 hours daily Music fans from the former Yugoslavia Music 1 Serbian
205 Pink Plus

The Serbian entertainment and news channel, Pink Plus, was created as the first satellite channel of Pink TV and is aimed mainly at the international Serbian community. It offers numerous entertainment shows, news programmes, reality TV, series including popular telenovelas and music videos produced by City Record artists.

24 hours daily Serbian people living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Serbian
206 Pink Radio

Pink Radio is a Serbian entertainment radio station. Since it started broadcasting in 1993 as the first private radio station in the former Yugoslavia, Pink Radio has been playing a mixture of folk, pop and rock music. In 1999, Pink Radio won the award for the most popular radio station in Serbia.

24 hours daily Serbian families living abroad Entertainment 1 Serbian
208 MNE

MNE is the international channel of the Montenegrin public broadcasting company. The TV channel provides an assortment of mainly news, documentaries, science and educational programmes, magazine shows, sports and music shows.

24 hours daily Montenegrin expatriate families General entertainment channel 1 Montenegrin
209 Vijay TV

The TV channel Vijay TV is an entertainment channel of the Star Network from The Walt Disney Company. Its premium content covers family dramas, reality, talent and game shows, comedy and international entertainment formats adapted for the Tamil-speaking audience. The programme is subtitled in English.

24 hours daily Indian expatriate families Entertainment 1 Tamil 
211 iTVS

The TV channel iTVS is the international version of the Polish channel TVS in Katowice. The programme of iTVS is focused on Silesia and contains a number of entertainment shows, folk music, talk shows and Silesian cookery programmes. Politics does not feature much here.

24 hours daily Silesian expatriate families Regional channel 1 Polish 
212 TVN24

Poland’s first 24-hour channel presenting news and magazine shows is called TVN24. Every day the channel covers national and international news stories and reports on current affairs. Cooperating with a wide network of correspondents in Washington, London, Moscow, Brussels and New York and thanks to the latest satellite technology, TVN24 provides Polish viewers with live material and breaking news from around the world.

24 hours daily Polish viewers interested in news from Poland and around the world News 1 Polish 

The Polish TV channel, TVP INFO, focuses mainly on factual programmes. It broadcasts current economic news, consumer advice and cultural programmes together with talk shows on different topics. Some shows are likely to be scrambled due to licensing regulations.

24 hours daily Polish viewers who are interested in news stories News 1 Polish 
214 Radio Zet

Radio ZET went on air in 1990 as Warsaw’s first private radio station. The station works with CNN and is the only station in Poland which has the right to use CNN material. In this way, Radio ZET listeners are able to receive information from areas of the world which have no Polish journalists at hand. It plays music styles such as reggae, hip hop and drum n bass.

24 hours daily Mostly young Polish-speaking listeners General entertainment channel Polish 
215 ITVN

The Polish TV station, ITVN, provides entertainment at the highest level to the Polish viewers living abroad. Not only does it offer premiers of great TV series and shows as well as productions of TVN, the special-interest channels, TVN Style and TVN Turbo, but also broadcasts news services, Polish and foreign documentaries and feature films.

24 hours daily Polish people living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Polish 
216 ITVN Extra

The Polish TV channel, ITVN Extra, is a multithematic channel designed as an extension of ITVN and TVN24. ITVN Extra delivers a unique blend of lifestyle programmes together with a compendium of business content and fascinating science documentaries. All that accompanied by animations helping kids learn Polish.

24 hours daily Polish families living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Polish 
218 Pro TV International

Pro TV is the leading private Romanian TV station. The international channel, Pro TV International, which is aimed at Romanian expats, provides a mix of news stories, culture, entertainment shows, e.g. Romanian telenovelas and series, feature films, talk shows and sport.

24 hours daily Romanian expatriates General entertainment channel 1 Romanian 
220 LRT Lituanica

LRT Lituanica provides Pan-European coverage for Lithuanian expats. The TV material consists of national Lithuanian news stories and cultural programmes which are an amalgamation of programmes from LRT Televizija and LRT Kultura.

24 hours daily Lithuanian expatriates General entertainment channel 1 Lithuanian 
222 HRT HR 1

The Croatian radio channel, HRT HR 1, is the direct successor to Radiostation Zagreb, which started transmitting in 1926 as the first radio station in Southeast Europe. This first public radio station, it sends out a broad mix of news stories, educational issues, dramas, documentaries, cultural, scientific and musical content. The channel focuses on factual programmes.

24 hours daily Croatians of all age groups who are interested in factual and educational matters General entertainment channel Croatian
223 HRT TV 1

HRT TV 1 is the state-owned Croatian TV channel with a conventional full-service programme delivered directly from Croatia. Along with general content such as news stories, entertainment and music, its coverage focuses on the events in Croatia and the other Balkan countries.

24 hours daily Croatian expatriate families General entertainment channel Croatian
224 Croatian Music Channel

Croatian Music Channel is a music channel from Croatia that plays exclusively all types of Croatian music, from classical, rock, pop and techno through to alternative music, folk music and children’s songs. It shows video clips, concerts and music news.

24 hours daily Viewers who are interested in Croatian music Music 1 Croatian

ANT1 EUROPE is one of the leading Greek TV channels with wide distribution throughout Europe, broadcasting 24/7 live, ANT1 News, Greek series, Greek versions of international format shows and tailormade programmes for Greeks living abroad.

24 hours daily Greek people living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Greek 
228 CT24

CT24 is a 24-hour news channel from the Czech Republic which is operated by the Czech broadcasting organisation ‘Ceská Televize’. As well as national and international news stories, the programme schedule also contains shows covering the economy, society, world events and politics.

24 hours daily Czech expatriates News 1 Czech 
230 Duna World

The Hungarian TV station, Duna World, offers its viewers the best programmes from Duna TV, M1 and M2. The channel is supported by EU funding and targets minorities from this region living in Europe. It broadcasts mostly talk shows and documentaries.

24 hours daily Hungarian people living abroad General entertainment channel Hungarian 
231 BNT 4

BNT 4 was launched in 1999 under the name ‘TV Bulgaria’ and renamed to ‘BNT 4’ at the beginning of 2019. The channel is the official Bulgarian state television service for the approx. three million expatriate Bulgarian citizens worldwide. As well as news stories, it shows films, factual, cultural and entertainment programmes produced exclusively in Bulgaria.

24 hours daily Bulgarian expatriate families General entertainment channel 1 Bulgarian

MCM TOP is a 100 percent music TV channel aimed at viewers between 15 and 49 years of age. It features all the international hits of the moment, in all key trending genres from pop to hip-hop.

24 hours daily Audiences between 15-49 years old with an interest in music Music 1 French
233 Mezzo

Mezzo is an international reference channel devoted to classical music, opera, dance and jazz. It features the stars of today and the legends of the past, through an original programming encompassing performances, documentaries and clips, attractive to music lovers and newcomers.

24 hours daily Lovers of classical music, opera, dance and jazz Music 1 French
234 Phoenix Chinese News and Entertainment

The information and entertainment based Chinese TV channel, Phoenix Chinese News and Entertainment, provides news stories, series, talk shows, sport, lifestyle programmes and music. Its flagship show is the weekly magazine programme, ‘Images of Europe’, which deals with historical, cultural, political and economic issues as well as fashion, sport and European gastronomy.

24 hours daily Chinese expatriates Entertainment Chinese
235 Phoenix Info News

Phoenix Info News is a Chinese TV channel which broadcasts a mix of economic and general news stories. It gives reports from the People’s Republic of China, Macao, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

24 hours daily Chinese expatriate families News Chinese
236 NTD-TV

The government-critical Chinese language TV station, NTD-TV, focuses on news stories. In addition, it offers series, cultural and educational programmes, children’s programmes, sport, entertainment, business programmes and talk shows. A large proportion of the programmes deal with Chinese culture and daily events in Asia. New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD-TV) regards itself as a bridge between China and western culture.

24 hours daily Chinese people at home and abroad General entertainment channel 1 Chinese
241 Arirang TV

Based in Seoul, South Korea, Arirang TV is an English language public broadcaster delivering entertainment, news, cultural affairs and documentaries from South Korea to international audiences.

24 hours daily International audience with interest in South Korea General entertainment channel 1 English
243 Silk Way

Silk Way is a lifestyle channel about emerging Kazakhstan and Central Asia and its place in the global process and world heritage. The TV channel is around-the-clock simultaneously available in English, Russian or Kazakh language and its programme line-up consists of a wide range of documentaries, shows, series, concerts, and films mostly describing the centuries-old history, rich culture, and modern stage of regional development.

24 hours daily Russian and English-speaking community in Europe with an interest in Russian TV content, especially related to Kazakhstan Lifestyle English, Kazakh , Russian
251 TVP Polonia

TVP Polonia is Poland’s official international TV service. The channel concentrates on delivering current, in-house programmes from TVP, the major news shows from TVP, programmes and films from the TVP archives and international films and magazine shows for the international Polish community. The channel mainly focuses on Polish information, history, culture and geography.

24 hours daily Polish expatriates General entertainment channel 1 Polish 
253 VH1 Classic

VH1 Classic is an English TV channel which broadcasts the biggest pop and rock music hits from the 60s through to the early 90s. Music clips from unique, world-renowned artists that remain with you for a lifetime allow you to reminisce.

24 hours daily Listeners who are interested in music from the 60s to the 90s Music English
255 Zee Cinema

The 24-hour channel, Zee Cinema, which was launched in 2001, is the home of Bollywood blockbusters. With one of the largest collections of Bollywood films in the world, it transmits no fewer than six movies every day: from the latest blockbusters to the lesser known films from a bygone era, and films from different genres through to renowned classics.

24 hours daily Bollywood film lovers Movies 1 Hindi
256 Zee TV

The independent, Indian general entertainment channel, Zee TV which broadcasts shows in Hindi offers a variety of choices for the South Asian audience ranging from non-fiction formats to fiction shows while entertaining viewers. Zee TV’s content resonates with its core ethos - ‘Aaj Likhenge Kal’.

24 hours daily Indian expatriate viewers General entertainment channel 1 Hindi
260 Visjon Norge

The Norwegian TV channel, Visjon Norge, was launched in March 2003. It is a religious channel which is mainly financed by donations.

24 hours daily Norwegian expatriates Religion Norwegian 
10002 tlnovelas

tlnovelas is a 24 hour telenovela TV channel from Mexico that offers the most successful soap-operas from Televisa’s catalogue. 6 daily novels offer a tour of all its manifestations: from stellar and classic, to juvenile, children and vintage; soap operas with the best stories of love, comedy and drama.

24 hours daily Spanish-speaking women, 19 to 54 years old Series 1 Spanish
10003 Eurostar

Eurostar is the European branch of Star TV, the first private TV channel in Turkey. Star TV was founded in May 1990 and nowadays is one of the leading private TV channels in Turkey. Eurostar offers a general channel that appeals to its viewers with news stories, films, shows, various popular series, sports, entertainment and kids programmes.

24 hours daily Turkish expatriates General entertainment channel 1 Turkish
10007 RAI Storia

The Italian public-service culture channel, RAI Storia, offers an exciting and varied range of programmes: Historical and cultural documentaries, talk shows, economic news, selected movies, the latest from the literary world and much more.

24 hours daily Italian speakers with an interest in culture and education Culture 1 Italian
10009 SIC Noticias

The TV channel SIC Notícias is the main Portuguese news broadcaster offering updates every hour. Credibility, accuracy, independence and a team of prestigious journalists are SIC Notícias’ main strengths. Aimed at satisfying a demanding public, the channel broadcasts large blocks of daily news, special editions and themed programmes with particular regard to sports, economy and politics.

24 hours daily Portuguese viewers who are interested in news stories News 1 Portuguese

The TV channel, NHK WORLD-JAPAN, is NHK’s international service and reports extensively from Asia with a focus on Japan. Along with news stories, it also shows documentaries, art programmes, TV shows, animated series, music, Japanese culture, science programmes and much more.

24 hours daily German audience who is interested in information from Asia, esp. Japan News and Lifestyle 1 English

The regional TV station,, reports on regional politics, economic, cultural and sports news from all over the Czech Republic. The programme is being repeated every 4 hours.

24 hours daily Czech audience living abroad Regional news channel 1 Czech 
10033 BVN

BVN (Beste van Vlaanderen en Nederland) is the public service television broadcaster for the Dutch speaking population abroad. The TV channel offers a daily selection from the top quality programming of the Dutch and Flemish public service broadcasters NPO and VRT: news and current affairs, documentaries, sports, entertainment, educational and youth programmes and Dutch-language drama.

24 hours daily Dutch-speaking people, Flemish and Dutch expatriate families General entertainment channel 1 Dutch 
10037 Kinomir

The TV station, ‘Kinomir’ totally lives up to its name which can be translated as ‘cinema world’. The channel consists solely of films from different eras of Russian film culture - from modern through to classic films. But it focuses on current productions. Different age groups are catered for, depending on the time of the day.

24 hours daily Viewers with an interest in Russian film culture Movies 1 Russian
10038 TeleBom

The TV channel, TeleBom, is intended for younger viewers. This Russian channel therefore shows predominantly animated films. Furthermore, series and films for children and young people are broadcast several times daily. The channel shares its broadcasting slot with the Russian channel, TeleDom.

06.00-10.00hrs and 14.00-18.00hrs Russian speaking children and young people Kids channel 1 Russian
10039 TeleDom

The Russian TV channel, TeleDom, shares its broadcasting slot with its mutual Russian channel, TeleBom. TeleDom continuously broadcasts the most popular TV series from the Russian-speaking region, many of which are receiving their first airing and are being shown in 16:9 format.

10.00-14.00hrs and 18.00hrs-06.00hrs Russian-speaking series fans Series 1 Russian
10041 1+1 International

The TV channel, 1+1 International is specifically aimed at the international Ukrainian community. It shows news programme, documentaries and talk shows along with entertainment programmes and cartoons. It is one of the channels with the highest market share in the Ukraine.

24 hours daily Ukrainian people living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Ukrainian
10051 RIK Sat

The programme line-up of the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation's satellite channel RIK Sat consists of TV series and documentaries, a specially designed children’s programme and the latest news from Cyprus, Greece and the rest of the world. In addition, Cyprus' public broadcaster features daily news bulletins in Turkish and English.

24 hours daily Greek people living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Greek 
10053 Pink Reality

The Serbian entertainment channel, Pink Reality, broadcasts round-the-clock reality shows. It only delivers unrehearsed live programmes with shows and high drama. Its contestants include Serbian celebrities. The camera is always on the action.

24 hours daily Serbian people living abroad Entertainment 1 Serbian
10065 Hayat Music Box

The TV channel, Hayat Music Box, is a music station from Bosnia and Herzegovina which belongs to the Hayat TV television network. The station broadcasts a mixture of music videos from Bosnia Herzegovina and English language music in 16:9 format.

24 hours daily Viewers from Bosnia and Herzegovina Music 1 Bosnian
10079 TV8

The Russian TV channel, TV8, shows programmes for the whole family with a focus on entertainment. The channel broadcasts a mixture of series, feature films from Russia and worldwide, shows, documentaries and cooking programmes with selected recipes.

24 hours daily The European Russian-speaking community Entertainment 1 Russian
10085 TNT Russland

The private TV channel, TNT Russland, represents the international version of the Russian TV channel, TNT, which is one of the leading entertainment channels in Russia. TNT Russland is aimed at 14-44 year-old viewers and broadcasts only entertainment programmes dominated by in-house productions and consisting of sitcoms, series, comedy and music shows. Approximately 75 percent of its programme is identical to the native one.

24 hours daily Expatriates from Russia Entertainment 1 Russian
10089 Public TV of Armenia

The public-service TV channel, Public TV of Armenia, started transmitting in 1956. It shows a wide range of programmes for the whole family including a mixture of news, information and educational programmes, documentaries and artistic and cultural characteristics of the country. In addition, it broadcasts series, shows, music, sports programmes, travel reports and celebrity interviews.

24 hours daily Armenian expatriates General entertainment channel 1 Armenian
10091 Sky News Arabia

The Arabic-language news channel, Sky News Arabia, is a joint venture between the Abu Dhabi Media Investment Corp, a private investment company, and British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB). Based in Abu Dhabi, the TV station reports comprehensively on current regional and international issues. Sky News Arabia has committed itself to an independent and impartial reporting.

24 hours daily Arabic expatriates News 1 Arabic
10104 FEN TV

The private TV channel, FEN TV, is a modern music channel offering a daily mix of the most popular Bulgarian and Balkan pop-folk hits and Bulgarian folklore. FEN TV went on air for the first time in November 2003 and presents a 24/7 music entertainment programme mainly with exclusive content consisting of artists, their video productions and shows. Its audience is between 18 and 49 years old.

24 hours daily Expatriates from Bulgaria and the states of the former Yugoslavia Music 1 Bulgarian

FEN FOLK TV is a private Bulgarian folklore music TV channel specialized on broadcasting the most popular artists, songs, folklore dances and traditions from all ethnic regions in Bulgaria and Macedonian folklore music. The station started transmitting in June 2013 and its audience is between 25 and 54 years old. Around 50 percent of its programme is exclusive content.

24 hours daily Expatriates from Bulgaria and the states of the former Yugoslavia Music 1 Bulgarian
10127 France 2

France 2 is an innovative French public service TV channel that takes its federative role seriously and strives to meet the aspirations of French families with a formidable general entertainment programme for all generations. Among others the programme line-up consists of news, documentations, sports, live events and further entertainment shows.

24 hours daily French families living abroad General entertainment channel 1 French
10128 France 3

The French general entertainment channel France 3 focusses on French culture and regional specificities of the country. Authentic and always eager to satisfy its viewers‘ wishes, the channel shows a lively mix of news, magazines, documentaries, live retransmission, game shows, soap operas and children’s programme.

24 hours daily French families living abroad General entertainment channel 1 French
10129 France 4

Creative and innovative, the French kids and adolescent‘s channel France 4 presents and combines classic TV and the digital world. Focussed on children during the day with popular animation series, in the evening it aims at young people with live concerts, stand up comedy, series and movies.

24 hours daily French children and young people living abroad Kids channel 1 French
10130 France 5

The French TV channel France 5 regards itself as „green brand“ and documentary channel of the France Television Group. It broadcasts documentaries and magazines, mainly from the fields of lifestyle, travel, health, parental life, society, politics as well as prime time documentaries and preschool programmes in the morning.

24 hours daily French families living abroad Documentary 1 French
10133 ERT World

ERT World is the international TV station of the state-owned public broadcaster for Greece (ERT). The channel shows a diverse general entertainment programme, including the best shows of the three state-owned Greek channels (ERT1, ERT2 and ERT3) and a particular programme for Greek audiences abroad. It covers live news bulletins, documentaries, talk shows, series, movies, game shows, music programmes, travel journals, church service, and sports including A1 Basketball and Super League 2 football.

24 hours daily Greek people living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Greek 
10134 RTP 3

Founded in 2001, the public news channel RTP 3 mainly broadcasts news from all over the world and from Portugal (the mainland, Madeira and the Azores). In addition, it reports on the latest developments in the fields of music, sports and society.

24 hours daily Portuguese expatriates News 1 Portuguese

The TV channel FREEDOM is an Ukrainian news channel. In August 2022 the channel changed its name from UA|TV to FREEDOM. FREEDOM is a Russian-language state foreign broadcaster of Ukraine, addressed to a wide foreign audience and created to convey objective, relevant and interesting information from Ukraine and about Ukraine first hand.

24 hours daily Worldwide audience interested in Ukraine News 1 Ukrainian
10136 Rûdaw HD

The TV channel Rûdaw HD belongs to the Rûdaw Media Network (abbreviated as Rûdaw), a private Kurdish Media company based in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdish region of Iraq. "Rûdaw" is Kurdish and means "happening”. Its focal points are news, reports and talkshows about Kurdistan and the Middle East. The channel has correspondants in various parts of the Middle East, Europe and the U.S. and aspires to be seen as a reliable source of information for audiences across the globe.

24 hours daily Kurdish expatriates News 1 Kurdish
10146 INPLUS

INPLUS is an action sports, lifestyle and entertainment TV channel. By exploring the background stories of extraordinary people that lead incredible lives in these thematic fields INPLUS gets to the heart of these pioneer millennials and broadcasts their stories in the way of adventurous documentaries, shows and events in high quality.

24 hours daily Fans of adventurous TV content Adventure Sports 1 English, German
10151 Melodie TV

The Austrian TV channel Melodie TV is based in Tirol and focuses on folk music and schlager music. More than 90% of the programme are in-house productions. In the prime time its audience can expect music shows, portraits of artists, concert recordings and music videos. In addition, the programme will be complemented by documentaries on nature and culinary topics.

24 hours daily Fans of folk music and schlager music Music 1 German
10165 Kuriakos TV

The Christian-oriented TV channel Kuriakos TV sees itself as an alternative to other private Portuguese channels. With its general entertainment programme the station aims to inform, entertain and build positive moral values to the general public. The line-up mainly consists of news, talk shows, cultural content, series, films, sports, entertainment and children’s programmes.

24 hours daily Portuguese viewers living abroad General entertainment channel Portuguese
10167 Pink Serije

Pink Serije is a Serbian TV channel for fans of domestic series. It broadcasts in-house productions of Pink Television and numerous series from the region.

24 hours daily Serbian fans of series living abroad Series 1 Serbian
10169 Pink Koncert

The TV channel, Pink Koncert, is situated in Serbia and targets fans of music from the Balkans region.
It broadcasts complete live concerts and festivals.

24 hours daily Fans of Music from the Balkans region Music Serbian
10171 STAR HD

The TV channel STAR HD of the Spanish public service broadcaster RTVE was developed with the idea of broadcasting high-quality fiction and entertainment programmes aimed at a family audience and to constitute an open look at Spain and the world. The whole content is shown in HD and the core formats include series (80 percent), feature films, reports, travel documentaries and cookery programmes.

24 hours daily Spanish-speaking families abroad Entertainment 1 Spanish
10181 KLASIK

KLASIK is a 24/7 film channel that offers a large collection of feature films from the Balkan region. It shows a wide range of films from classic and award winning ones to current feature film highlights as well as popular classic TV series, documentaries and cartoons.

24 hours daily Fans of feature films and series from the Balkan region Movies 1 Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
10183 Show Max

The private Turkish TV channel Show Max was founded in 2006 and focuses on entertainment programmes. It broadcasts popular Turkish series as well as cooking shows, talk shows and travel formats.

24 hours daily Turkish audience from all age groups Entertainment 1 Turkish
10186 IBC Tamil

The TV channel IBC Tamil (International Broadcasting Corporation Tamil) was launched in April 2015. Headquartered in London with studios in Sri Lanka, India and Europe, it broadcasts news and entertainment for Tamils around the world. IBC Tamil’s programme line-up consists of current affairs, live events and a huge range of entertainment, including game shows, dance and singing competitions, movies, talk shows, music and much more.

24 hours daily Tamil viewers of all age groups worldwide General entertainment channel 1 Tamil 
10188 Movie Smart Turk HD

The Turkish feature film TV channel Movie Smart Turk HD belongs to D-Smart, one of the leading media companies in Turkey. Its programme consists of feature films of all genres for every taste: from comedy and drama to adventure and thriller. 14 Turkish movies are broadcasted daily, including many popular current blockbusters that have recently been released in the cinema.

24 hours daily Turkish families in Europe Movies 1 Turkish
10189 Movie Smart Classic

The TV channel Movie Smart Classic has specialized in unforgettable movies from the past 50 years of Turkish cinema history. 17 classic Turkish feature films, the so-called nostalgic “Yesilcam classics”, are shown here 24 hours a day. These movies are in demand across all ages. Movie Smart Classic is one of the most popular TV channels from the D-Smart network in Turkey.

24 hours daily Turkish families in Europe Movies 1 Turkish
10190 Dizi Smart Max

Dizi Smart Max is one of the most popular TV channels of more than 250 channels from D-Smart, one of the leading media companies in Turkey. The station shows a large selection of successful current and classic Turkish series and TV shows. Some of them run exclusively here. Viewers can expect 25 Turkish series and 5 TV shows every month.

24 hours daily Turkish families in Europe Series 1 Turkish
10191 ÜLKE TV

ÜLKE TV is a Turkish news channel that wants to offer its viewers a varied and objective programme. The TV channel was founded in 2006 and belongs to the Kanal 7 Media Group. In addition to the latest news from Turkey and the world, the channel broadcasts magazines about economy, health, history and amateur sports, as well as talk shows, renowned documentaries and cultural programmes.

24 hours daily Turkish expatriates News 1 Turkish
10192 Cem TV

Alevism is an Islamic tradition, whose adherents make up the second largest religious community in Turkey. The largest Alevi community abroad lives in Germany. The TV channel Cem TV was founded in September 2005 to inform and entertain this target group. Its programme includes news, political and religious discussions, programmes about art, music and culture, documentaries and sports.

24 hours daily Alevis living in Turkey and abroad General entertainment channel 1 Turkish
10193 OBN TV

The private TV channel OBN TV is a general entertainment programme, based in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Its programme consists mainly of series from the Balkan region, Turkey and India. In addition, in-house productions of cooking, talk and entertainment shows, news, political and sports magazines are very popular with the viewers.

24 hours daily Viewers from Bosnia-Herzegovina General entertainment channel 1 Bosnian, Serbian
10197 fight24

fight24 is a German TV channel broadcasting 24/7 top-class martial arts from Europe in HD quality. With more than 125 events per year from the fields of Olympic boxing, kick boxing, mixed martial arts, wrestling, Muay Thai and many more, fight24 is one of the most popular martial arts broadcasters in Europe. From news and behind-the-scenes reports through to live transmissions, everything is included.

24 hours daily Men between 14-39 years old interested in sports Sport 1 German
10204 Alaraby TV

Alaraby TV is an Arabic general entertainment channel headquartered in London with offices in a number of capital cities worldwide and across the Arab world. The TV channel shows a variety of programmes – from news on politics, business and society, documentaries and culture through to talk shows, series, comedy and shows. With internationally recognised journalistic standards and high-quality content it aims to shed light on the way the Arab audience view the world, themselves and their future, and to enrich the Arab television scene.

24 hours daily Arabic families living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Arabic
11092 Bloomberg HT

The TV channel Bloomberg HT was founded in 2010 and is owned by Ciner Media. As a news channel with a focus on business and finance, it mainly broadcasts news, reports and live transmissions on economic topics from Turkey and the world, as well as interviews with financial experts. In addition, the programme mix contains news from the fields of art, culture, society and sport, as well as talk shows with popular stars.

24 hours daily Turkish viewers interested in economics and finance News 1 Turkish
12035 Gulli

Friendship, tolerance, happiness and respect: these are the core values of the private French TV channel Gulli. With its wide range of programmes, Gulli entertains children and their parents with the latest animations and series, feature films, shows and magazines. The children's channel was created in November 2005 and became part of Groupe M6 in 2019.

24 hours daily Kids Kids channel 1 French
12036 TiJi HD

With TiJi HD, little ones explore the world through cute and fun programs led by popular characters, in a gentle, peaceful and safe environment. The private TV channel, owned by France's Groupe M6, offers 100 percent early learning content that stimulates preschoolers' imaginations and helps them grow up. The varied programming is available in French or Russian and is made up of timeless characters and unique productions accompanied by friendly hosts.

24 hours daily Russian and French speaking children Kids channel 1 French, Russian
12038 Domashniy

Domashniy is a TV station founded in March 2005 by CTC Media, one of Russia's leading TV broadcasters based in Moscow. The program is specially tailored to female viewers and provides varied entertainment in the areas of health, family, career, style and fashion. It shows mainly Russian and international series, shows, Russian film classics, talk shows and lifestyle programs.

24 hours daily Russian-speaking community General entertainment channel 1 Russian
12041 AzCinema

The Mexican channel Cinema offers its viewers black and white as well as colour films. It shows vintage films of the golden age of different genres, such as: thrillers, drama, horror and comedies.

24 hours daily Film lovers of Mexican vintage films Movies 1 Spanish
12042 AzCLIC

The programme of the Mexican channel CLIC is aimed at young adults. In addition to music, fashion and culture, the channel also offers viewers e-sports, Mexican reality and lifestyle TV as well as interviews about Mexico's stars.

24 hours daily Young Spanish speaking adults General entertainment channel 1 Spanish

Corazon is a channel from Mexico that offers its viewers television programming with heart. Specialising in series, it broadcasts selected soap operas all day long with, among other things, wonderful love stories, dramas, comedies and youth themes.

24 hours daily Young Spanish-speaking adults and teenagers Series 1 Spanish
12044 AzMUNDO

Founded in 2000, the Mundo channel offers varied entertainment for the whole family. Mundo aims to win over viewers with current news, soap operas, latest series, cooking shows, comedies, reality TV, Mexican culture and interviews with Mexico's celebrities.

24 hours daily Mexican families abroad General entertainment channel 1 Spanish
12048 Alma Lusa

Alma Lusa is a Portuguese music station headquartered in Spain. The programmes are produced in Portugal and Spain. The channel promises its viewers diverse and exclusive content. Among other things, the channel shows video clips of popular artists, interviews and concerts. The music genres range from Portuguese rock to kizomba, electronics and music that is hot on the world market. In this way, the channel tries to meet everyone's taste.

24 hours daily Portuguese-speaking people abroad Music 1 Portuguese
12049 BN HD

The private TV channel BN HD is the main channel of the Bosnian broadcasting company RTV BN and ranks today as one of the most popular channels in the region. Based in the Serbian part of Bosnia-Herzegovina it is aimed at all ethnic groups from the country. With a particular emphasis on information and politics, mainly extensive news from the former Yugoslavia and the world as well as current reports and live talk shows are broadcasted. The programme is rounded off by selected series and movies that are specially tailored to the target group.

24 hours daily Viewers from the former Yugoslavia General entertainment channel 1 Bosnian, Serbian
12056 Telehit Música

The Mexican TV channel Telehit Música is a young, insolent, fresh and innovative music channel with a programming grid devoted to all music, fashion, films and technology fans. It broadcasts pop, rock, electronic, hip hop and reggae music videos in Spanish and English, concerts, interviews, innovative and exclusive shows and the latest news from the world of music.

24 hours daily Young, Spanish-speaking people with a musical interest Music 1 Spanish
12057 Asharq News

Launched in November 2020, the TV channel Asharq News headquartered in Saudi Arabia is a collaboration between the US-based Bloomberg News and the Saudi Research and Marketing Group, the publisher of the newspapers Arab News and Asharq Al-Awsat. Asharq News provides continuous insights into the MENA region and international markets through news, documentaries, talk shows and entertainment shows. The channel wants to show how economy, society and politics interact with each other.

24 hours daily Arabic-speaking viewers with an interest in current affairs in the Middle East News 1 Arabic
12058 Record TV

In continuous transmission since 1953, Record TV is present in more than 150 countries, where it also has several FM Radio Stations. It is the Portuguese language channel with the largest territorial coverage in the world, and the only one available in this language in many nations. Recognized as a TV channel for the whole family, its huge audience success lies in a varied, articulative, innovative and surprising programming.

24 hours daily Portuguese speaking people General entertainment channel 1 Portuguese
12059 Espreso TV

Founded in 2013, Espreso TV aims to become a leading news channel for Ukrainians. The news channel informs its viewers about current affairs, sports, culture, science and business. Through high editorial standards, the channel aims to ensure complete and honest reporting.

24 hours daily Ukrainian and russian viewers living abroad News 1 Ukrainian
12060 OstWest 24

OstWest 24 is a 24/7 news channel from Berlin that produces independent news about Russia, Ukraine and from around the world for Russians living abroad in cooperation with Deutsche Welle, BBC World and Radio Liberty. The parent station OstWest was awarded the “Förderpreis der Deutschen Nationalstiftung” in June 2022 for its independent reporting.

24 hours daily Russian and Ukrainian viewers News 1 Russian
12061 Channel9

Channel9 is an independent Russian TV channel founded in 2002 and based outside Russia. Channel9 is a general entertainment channel but the main focus is on news. The channel produces its own news and current affairs programmes, which are shown in prime time. The channel's aim is to provide honest reporting, without financial or political influence. Channel9 works with major news agencies such as Reuters and independent journalists.

24 hours daily Russian viewers General entertainment channel 1 Russian

HAYATOVCI is the first children's channel for children up to 14 years in Bosnia and Herzegovina dubbed in Bosnian. HAYATOVCI spreads positive energy and fun for the youngest. The channel focuses on non-violent cartoons.

24 hours daily Bosnische Kinder Kids channel 1 Bosnian
12063 Atreseries

Atreseries is a channel for series from the Spanish series production company Atresmedia. Atreseries shows a wide range of series for the whole family.

24 hours daily Spanish speaking viewers Series 1 Spanish
12064 Antena 3

The Antena 3 channel has been around since 1989 and is the main channel in the family. Other channels that belong to the family are: Le Sexta and the five DTT channels: NEOX, NOVA, NITRO, La SEXTA 3 and XPLORA. Antena 3 puts together current, popular and high-quality content for its viewers. The station's philosophy is to create entertaining, lively and family-oriented programming.

24 hours daily Spanischsprachige Zuschauer General entertainment channel 1 Spanish
12065 TRT çocuk

The Turkish Children's Channel broadcasts Turkish-language cartoons 24 hours a day. They show cartoons in Turkish.

24 hours daily Turkish speaking viewers Kids channel 1 Turkish
12067 Canal11

Canal 11 is the platform for Portuguese football. The channel offers everything related to football, from national teams to Campeonato de Portugal, Liga Revelação to women's football. Furthermore, the channel offers the most surprising stories and important news from football players around the world.

24 hours daily Fans of portuguese football General entertainment channel Portuguese
12068 RAI Scoula

Rai Scuola aims at arising the interest of the new generation with educational content and reach young people via television and internet platforms. The channel is a joint venture between RAI and the Italian Ministry of Education.

24 hours daily Italians living abroad General entertainment channel English, Italian
12069 RAI Italia

Rai Italia offers variety, drama, documentaries, feature films, music, news, talk shows, art, culture and lifestyle from the national RAI channels, plus original programmes created especially for Italians living abroad and lovers of Italian culture. Currently, Rai Italia contains 80% of the content of the various Rai channels and 20% of the programmes are in-house productions, which will be increased in the future. In addition, several films are offered with English subtitles. In addition, no broadcasts are blacked out, as all rights for international distribution are available.

24 hours daily Italians living abroad General entertainment channel Italian
12071 Al Hadath

In January 2012, Al Hadath was launched as a free TV channel. The news channel is located in Saudi Arabia and operates as an extension of the well-known pan-Arab news channel Al Arabiya. Al Hadath shows the latest news and current affairs from the Arab world and worldwide as well as talk shows on the most important topics of the day.

24 hours daily Arabic families living abroad News 1 Arabic
12072 Sharjah TV

The general entertainment channel Sharjah TV is located in the United Arab Emirates and presents to its viewers a range of various programmes dealing with social, cultural and political issues. The programme line-up consists of news, debates, talk shows, reports about the most important social and cultural events in Sharjah, series and educational and entertainment shows for the young generation.

24 hours daily Arabic families living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Arabic
12073 SBC Saudi TV

SBC (Saudi Broadcasting Corporation) Saudi TV was launched in Saudi Arabia in 2018. The general entertainment channel aims to project a modern image beyond the Kingdom’s borders. It broadcasts exclusive content from the fields of films, series, talk shows, cookery shows, drama and sports. News complete the entertainment programme.

24 hours daily Arabic families living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Arabic
12074 Kuwait TV

Kuwait TV is the official state-run television station of Kuwait, and part of the Kuwaiti Ministry of information. The channel was founded in 1961 and airs a typical general entertainment programme, including news and various entertainment shows such as series and talk shows.

24 hours daily Arabic families living abroad General entertainment channel 1 Arabic
12075 Kitchen TV

Kitchen TV is a TV channel from Serbia dedicated to cooking, nutrition, tourism, culture and tradition from the Balkan region. The content includes series on traditional, vegan, vegetarian and modern cuisine, as well as gastronomic travel shows. A large part of the programme is self-produced, half in the studio and half in nature or at other particular locations.

24 hours daily Viewers interested in cooking from the Balkan region Cooking 1 Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
12098 DIM

DIM means “Home” in English. The TV channel went on air in selected areas of Ukraine in March 2020 and has changed its programming policy over the years. Since January 2024 the infotainment channel is aimed at Ukrainians worldwide who have had to leave their homeland, are emotionally affected and want to stay in touch with it. In addition to current news from Ukraine and the world, the channel shows a diverse entertainment programme, including documentaries, culture, talk shows, series, shows of own production, popular Ukrainian movies and sports.

24 hours daily Ukrainian people living abroad Infotainment 1 Ukrainian
12099 TELE1

The independent private TV channel TELE1 was founded in 2017 by the journalist Merdan Yanardağ. The news channel is free from corporate or political ties and campaigns for human rights (especially women's rights) and environmental rights. Its programme consists of news, documentaries, information on the economy, lifestyle programmes and culture.

24 hours daily Turkish expatriate families News 1 Turkish
12100 HT Spor

The TV channel HT Spor was founded in September 2024 by the Ciner Media Group in Istanbul. It offers the latest news, national and international coverage, live results and analysis on various sports. These include football, basketball, tennis and motorsport. With expert commentary, exclusive interviews and real-time match updates, HT Spor aims to keep sports enthusiasts informed and engaged.

24 hours daily Turkish sports enthusiasts abroad Sport 1 Turkish
12101 TV Rain

TV Rain is a private Russian-speaking news channel based in Amsterdam that has stood for independent, reliable and unbiased reporting since it was founded in April 2010. In addition to news and political analysis, it offers an extensive entertainment mix of series, talk shows, documentaries and programmes on business, science, music, travel, culture and cooking.

24 hours daily Russian-speaking viewers who are interested in independent news Infotainment 1 Russian